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Digital Student Textbook Each lesson in the Digital Student Textbook has been carefully developed to include numerous digital enhancements. Simply click the interactive

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screen to view the special content. The Digital Student Textbook can be displayed on students’ computers, tablets, or compatible smart phones. It contains all the digital enhancements that make the lesson interactive and engaging.

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Elements of the Digital Student Textbook Chapter 17 Reference 190 Article for Reading Strategies

First, skim headings and key words in bold print. Second, form questions from the headings and key words. Third, read the text, reading closely to understand information about headings and key words. Fourth, scan headings and key words again to find answers to questions.

Frogs and Toads SECTION 1 How Frogs and Toads Are Alike Frogs and toads have many things in common. One way they are alike is

that they are both classified in the group of cold-blooded animals called amphibians. Cold-blooded means that an animal’s body temperature changes to match its surroundings. Amphibians are animals that can live on land and in water. For this reason, both frogs and toads have long back legs for jumping and webbed feet for swimming. Another way frogs and toads are alike is that they both catch insects with their long, sticky tongues. Finally, both frogs and toads start life as tadpoles hatched from eggs laid in water. A tadpole is the larva, or baby stage, of frogs and toads. During the tadpole stage, frogs and toads have gills so they can breathe under water. Later, they develop lungs for breathing air as they mature into adult frogs and toads.

SECTION 2 How Frogs and Toads Are Different Even though frogs and toads are very similar, there are a few ways in which

they are different. One difference in frogs and toads is their skin. Toads have dry, bumpy skin that is darker in color than frogs’ skin. A frog’s skin is moist, smooth, and lighter in color than a toad’s. Another difference is their body shape. Toads have wide, flat bodies, and frogs have narrow, slender bodies. Finally, toads and frogs require different living habitats, which is the place where a plant or animal normally lives and grows. Frogs must always live near

water in order to keep their skin moist. Toads need less water and can live in dry places.


Questions provide a scaffold for

class discussions.

References are clear and concise.

Strategy 1

Use Reference 190 to answer the questions below Using the Skimming Strategy

The purpose of skimming is to get a general idea of the article before you actually read it. Use titles, headings, subheadings, and key words to help you. 1. What is the title of the article? 2. Name the headings. 3. What are the bold-type words in each section? 4. What is the main idea of the article?

Strategy 2 Using the Questioning Strategy

The purpose of questioning is to get your mind ready for information. It gives you a reason for reading and makes it easier to remember main ideas and understand key words. Turn headings and key words in the article into questions. 1. How are frogs and toads alike? 2. What does cold-blooded mean? 3. What are amphibians? 4. What is a larva? 5. When are gills and lungs used? 6. How are frogs and toads different? 7. What is a habitat?

Strategy 3 Strategy 4 Using the Reading Strategy

The purpose of reading is to understand the information under headings and to get definitions for key words. Now, read the article.

Using the Scanning Strategy

The purpose of scanning is to help you use headings and key words to find answers to questions. Scan headings, key words in bold print, underlined words, and topic sentences to help you find the answers to the questions below. 1. How are frogs and toads alike? 2. Which section contains these bold-type words: cold-blooded, amphibians, larva, gills, and lungs?

3. What does cold-blooded mean? 4. What are amphibians? 5. What is a larva? 6. What are frogs and toads called in the larva stage? 7. When do frogs and toads breathe with gills? 8. When do frogs and toads breathe with lungs? 9. How are frogs and toads different?

10. Which section contains the word habitat in bold-type? 11. Which section tells you where frogs and toads live? 12. What is the main idea of the article?

684 Level 4 | Chapter 17

Based on what you’ve learned, can you tell whether this is a picture of a frog or a toad?

Level 4 | Chapter 17 685


1 Extending the Lesson:

Blogging A blog is like an online

journal where you can express your opinions and make comments about what is going on in your class, family, school, and community. Since others can read what you have written, you must be careful not to write anything private, rude, or unkind. You must always accept the responsibility for how you express yourself in a place that other people can read.

The following activities can be used to blog.

1. Wall blog at home (parent supervision)

Use poster board, butcher paper, white shower curtain, or white board to set up a home blog in a central location in your house. All family members can read and write blog entries.

2. Wall blog at school (teacher supervision)

You can read and write blog entries on butcher paper, poster board, or a white board.

3. Class blog on the computer (teacher supervision)

Post entries on the class blog. Use your scheduled time for the blog to write, read, respond, and reflect.

Students Extend the Lesson to promote a deeper understanding of concepts, skills, and subjects.

8 Level 4 | Chapter 1 Examples show

how to apply what is being learned.

Reference 19 Adjectives

Adjectives can make your sentences come to life!

An adjective is a word that modifies or describes a noun or a pronoun. (You will learn about pronouns in later chapters.)

 Examples of adjectives: blue flower, tall men, round ball, clean feet, seven pigs, this street

Adjectives are modifiers. They are words that describe or clarify the meaning of another word. In grammar, the word modify means “to describe.” Adjectives modify by answering the adjective questions: what kind, which one, or how many.

 Examples of adjectives that tell what kind: gray, black, pretty, hot, cold, dry, smooth, warm

 Examples of adjectives that tell which one: that, this, those, these, youngest, only, another

 Examples of adjectives that tell how many: one, four, fifty-five, some, both, several, many

An adjective is labeled with the abbreviation Adj.

An adjective is not part of a sentence pattern because it is not considered a core part like the subject and verb (SN V).

Modifiers like adjectives only add extra information about other words. They do not affect the pattern of a sentence.


Level 4 | Chapter 2


STUDENT RUBRIC for Descriptive Writing

Name: ________________________________________________________________ Date:_______________ Put a checkmark beside each question that you answer with “yes.”

Directions: Descriptive SCORE (Count the checkmarks in this section.) 1. Have I used descriptive words and details to create strong mental pictures?

2. Have I used appropriate transition words? 3. Have I used suitable figurative language to develop sensory images? 4. Is the purpose of my descriptive writing stated in my topic sentence? 5. Have I developed the topic in an interesting and informative way?

Ideas SCORE (Count the checkmarks in this section.) 1. Is the topic and purpose of my paper clearly described in the topic sentence?

2. Have I narrowed or expanded my topic appropriately? 3. Are there at least three main points to develop the topic of my paper? 4. Is there at least one detail that supports and develops each of my main points? 5. Have I chosen a topic that is appropriate to my purpose, genre, and audience?

Organization SCORE 1. Is my paper well organized and easy to follow?

2. Does my paper have a clear introduction, body, and conclusion? 3. Are my ideas in a logical order?

4. Does my paragraph have a topic that is supported by every sentence in the paragraph?

5. Does the organization of my sentences reflect my purpose and audience? Word Choice SCORE (Count the checkmarks in this section.) 1. Have I used precise nouns and verbs to explain and describe my topic?

2. Have I used vivid adjectives and adverbs to create strong mental pictures? 3. Have I replaced unclear words with stronger words? 4. Have I deleted incorrect, repeated, or unnecessary words? 5. Have I used words appropriate to my purpose and audience?

(Count the checkmarks in this section.)

Rubrics ensure writing traits are being incorporated.

Assessments are provided in

multiple formats.

GRAMMAR: Exercise 1:

1. 2.

Classroom Practice 8 Name: ________________________________________________________________ Date:_______________

Classify each sentence. The tired little kitten slept soundly today. An old teapot whistled very loudly.

Exercise 2: 1. ___________________ 2. ___________________ 3. ___________________ List the adverb questions.

What are the article adjectives? Exercise 3: 1. _______________________________

2. _______________________________ 3. _______________________________


Exercise 5: 1. Would you like ____ orange?

Exercise 6: Write a or an in the blanks. 2. Would you like ____ fresh orange?

3. We saw ____ very large fire. 4. We saw ____ extremely large fire.

Fill in the circle beside each correct answer.

1. minute : hour :: pages : ______ 2. late : wait :: ______ : night


Rose, you go to Parker Elementary on Miller Street, don,t you? Exercise 7:

184 18

Write the capitalization and punctuation rule numbers for each correction in bold. Use References 7 and 9 on pages 24 and 29–30.

time day

book morning

paper fight

Exercise 4: List the adjective questions. 1. _______________________________

2. _______________________________ 3. _______________________________

Level 4 | Chapter 4

Level 4 | Chapter 2


Lesson 1

End Lesson 2

Lesson 9

End Lesson 5

Lesson 4

Lesson 1








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