Why We Work

The unique features of Shurley English give students the concrete steps necessary to relate the following:

  1. a definition to a concept.
  2. a concept to a skill practice.
  3. a skill practice to writing.
  4. writing to effective speaking.

Competent writing begins with understanding correct sentence structure, expands to paragraphs, and results in the enjoyment and satisfaction of well-written essays, reports, and letters.

With this DVD, you can view actual classroom demonstrations, experience the excitement of Shurley English, and observe administrators, teachers, and students giving honest, unscripted testimonials. View this DVD, and you will see how Shurley English can make a positive impact in your district!

Call for a free "Making the Connection" DVD. (800)566-2966


Jingles are presented in a simple, easy-to-use format that can be sung or chanted by students. Rhythm, rhyme, and movement are effective ways to learn and retain both new and old information. Jingles help students begin the writing process by teaching them the definitions for the eight parts of speech. These definitions help students learn the vocabulary necessary for understanding basic sentence structure.

Jingle Examples

The Question and Answer Flow

The Question and Answer Flow is a unique way to analyze the role of each word in a sentence. Learning to identify and label the parts of a sentence leads to understanding sentence structure. As students’ understanding of sentence structure grows, they learn to apply this knowledge to write better sentences, paragraphs, and essays.

Question and Answer flow level three chapter four lesson 1 sentence 3

The Question & Answer Flow Explained

Never Teaches Isolated Concepts
Since words and the roles they play in sentences can change, Shurley English avoids teaching the parts of speech in isolation.
Provides Constant Review
Shurley English never abandons a grammar concept once it has been taught. Constant review of grammar concepts is maintained throughout the school year.
Gives Immediate Feedback
The Q & A Flow allows students to monitor their progress and their mastery of sentence structure in a non-threatening way.
Utilizes All Learning Styles
The Q & A Flow constantly exposes students to “see it, hear it, say it, do it” activities. All students can learn English well, regardless of their learning styles.

Practice and Revised Sentences

Writing Practice and Revised Sentences helps students make the connection between grammar and the writing process. Writing Practice Sentences from grammar labels establishes a foundation for sentence composition. Then, students learn to expand and improve their original sentences, using revision strategies to write Revised Sentences.

Paragraphs and Essays

Learning to write begins with an understanding of sentence structure and expands to paragraphs and essays. Students are taught to organize paragraphs and essays according to the purpose for writing. Then, they use writing checklists for each step in the writing process. Students incorporate the traits of effective writing to produce a polished writing piece.

Writing for All Purposes

Students are taught different ways to introduce and support main points in their paragraphs and essays. As students learn to use a variety of transitional words and organizational patterns for their writing, the result is a logical progression of ideas. This makes their writing clear, readable, and understandable. Students are given checklists for each step in the writing process. The end result is student writing that is distinctive, effective, and polished. Writing Evaluation Guides are also provided to assist students and teachers in the evaluation process.

Types of Writing
  • expository
  • persuasive
  • descriptive
  • narrative
  • comparison and contrast
  • how-to process
  • essays
  • creative
  • journal
  • poetry
  • book reviews
  • friendly and business letters
  • thank-you notes
  • invitations
  • research reports


With Shurley English, students learn many skills to help them master language concepts. They are given specific techniques to learn not only the concept, but also the entire thought process necessary to apply the concept. Skills taught include vocabulary, mechanics, usage, editing, and sentence work.